Conversation Between FF Ace Cid and Meier Link

18 Visitor Messages

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  1. That's good to hear. I've been doing okay just getting ready for the holidays and all that now.
  2. Going good, just trying to spend some time with my newborn son. How the hell have you been? It has been a while since I have seen you.
  3. Hello man how's it going?
  4. Cid, get your @ss back on here and start posting. We need to have some fun!
  5. sounds like fun. I have always had fun going to kid parties for some reason. It's kind of funny to see the destruction that a bunch of kids can cause haha.
  6. Pretty much the same thing as usual. My oldest nephew's b'day was yesterday, so I got him some toys, nothing special.
  7. Doing good just picked up 2 new cars yesterday, well one new once slightly used. Its been hell the last few days trying to get them haha. Other then that it's pretty much been the same old thing. Hows things going with you?
  8. Random VM for you, it says hi. Hellos!

    Just being a little random, how have you been man?
  9. Well, I guess I haven't posted as much, but I've been on everyday. I'm doing good. Hope that Phantom's site starts booming for you. How are you?

    Haha, I accidently posted this in my own vm board.
  10. doing good havent seen you on the forum to much lately. I've been trying to help phantom out with his site and get it up and booming so I've been around just havent got to post to much here. what about you?
  11. Hey ya! Ain't heard from ya in a bit, you doing good?
  12. man that sounds crazy, ive usually got my son with me after i get off so i know what you mean its more then just a second job
  13. Ha ha! Funny! Yeah, I was busy all weekend, in fact I can't chill too much now. I work at night, and watch my nephews in the day.
  14. about the same, spent all weekend hanging with my brother-n-law and drinking so i am paying for it now haha
  15. Nothing much big money, just like to keep it chill and what not, you?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 18
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