Conversation Between FF Ace Cid and Hyzenthlay

7 Visitor Messages

  1. College infomation? What does that involve?
    Yeah. I slept until 4pm today O.O. I've messed up my sleep pattern waiting up for Pskio to be on. Lol worth it, though.
    Night shifts suck. I have to do 2 a week. 7-2am, I hate doing that.
    What do you work as?
  2. Well, I might be doing some college information stuff, depends on time. I work the night shift. Nothing in between that except some quality Kingdom Hearts II time. I am probably going to sleep until almost noon.
  3. I'm very well. Just been woken up.
    I'd have slept all day if left to my own devices.
    You have anything planned for your day?
  4. So true, I'm doing good, you?
  5. HEY!
    I havnt spoken to you in a long time.
    How are you doing =]?
  6. Hello to you too. =]
  7. Hello there! Just thought I might say hi to you. So, hello!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7