Conversation Between FF Ace Cid and Seraph

12 Visitor Messages

  1. Also Rinoa Leonhart posted and OOc comment on our rp i didnt want to tell her to go to the OOc and asnd ask because it is not my duty as I am not a head of the rp. So if you would pm her and get her to to delete the ooc post in the rp and ask her questions in the OOc Forum. I would say something , but i do not want to come of as rude or mean because she has only had like 2 osts so i know she is new and doesn't know how to join a rp or anything.
  2. Its kool man. I can wait it ust i didnt want ya'll to think i disappearred again because work had me on a really tiht schedule all i was doing was working and sleeping. Well I hope you had a Very Wonderful and rewarding Christmas.
  3. Hey man nothing really going on. I was hoping for my guardian to post, or maybe a few other people, but ehaven't posted yet.
  4. hey man how are you doing aintheard anything from you and the rp is pretty inactive Well hit me up.
  5. Alright so you are still on killkia ( i think i spelled it worng)? Yes that will be fine if everyone agreees and understands the situation then then let me know by the end of the weekend so i can get to writing.
  6. I will ask, it will probably be fine. Bleachfangirl already told me she would. We are now in the temple. I have just obtained my first aeon, Ifrit.
  7. hey man . Can i ask you where ya'll are at in the rp so i can catch up and tewll you how i got there, and i think you should prolly ask them if it is ok that i come back after a long abscence. ( my spelling is horrible XD) I know you a Aerif have heard of what has happened, but i don't want everyone to think i will just flake out again.
  8. It's only beena day, a day and a half at tops. Go ahead, and just act like something important came up or somehing, no one will mind.
  9. How , wouldn't I throw it off too much since I have been gone for so long?
  10. Hey man, sorry about that, we just had to move on. We left it where you could come back. Feel free to, sorry about the accident.
  11. dude man i am so sorry. I bailed, but i tried messaging but it must not have went through. I had a wreck and broke some bones in my hand, but i am at about 80% capable with my right hand so if u want i can rp with you and whenever you would like with the invite of course. I messed up bad i know, but i really couldn't help that some dude ran me off the road into the back of a dump truck.
  12. Come on so we can get on with the RP!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 12 of 12