Conversation Between Cyric and Cyanist

7 Visitor Messages

  1. Well, for that matter, Jason Statham already had the first movie, too, and yet they found time for him...I guess his character is more central >_>;
    I heard Mel Gibson will be in the 3rd movie O.o and Milla Jovovich!
    Hmm, I'm going to watch something on Netflix now! Muahahaha!
  2. Jet Li already had a movie that he was on the line for,so he only had time for the first part of the movie. Chuck Norris was pretty funny, giving a joke based on jokes made about him was fantastic.
  3. Yeah! I watched that one! WHY did they throw Jet Li out of the plane? I kept expecting him to pop back in again! LOL Chuck Norris
  4. I like all sorts of movies. The last movie that I watched was the Expendables II. It was pretty bad, but in a good way. xD
  5. Nope, not really. just barraging random people with random questions... I do stuff like that.

    You have a cheerful avatar.

    I just watched Superman again. What kind of movies do you like?
  6. I'm late, but I'm also not busy!

    Is there something I can do for you?
  7. Hello. Are you busy?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7