Conversation Between Bleachfangirl and Yoko

6 Visitor Messages

  1. I think? Your name/username rings a little bell in my head somewhere, so I think.
    I'm ambivalent about drama. When it happens, you deal with it. When it doesn't, you get to chill.
  2. Gem's a cool cat.

    You've seen me? I've had this username for a guess about a year. Caused enough trouble under my other username then got busy with work. Hehe. I oddly miss the drama, but I don't. Its an odd thing.
  3. Yeah, I remember seeing you pop up a while back during one of my re-visits.
    Aw, that's kind of creepy and endearing at the same time. Someone must be fond of Gem. ^^ This place is........lovable..... sometimes lol
    No worries about the omitted word. I understood.
  4. We haven't met. The name's Carli. ^_^

    I've only read your convos with UE, because I'm cool like that. They're fun to read. I've been here for just under 2 years now. I freakin love this place.

    Of course I left a word out. How silly of me. :3.
  5. Wat. I'm a wat. I don't believe we've met before. Hi, I'm Bleachie. lulz I'm afraid to ask what kind of terrible reputation I have here
  6. Oh. You. I've heard of you. You're like a legend in these parts. Nice to you're posting again ^_^
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6