Conversation Between Bleachfangirl and Unknown Entity

189 Visitor Messages

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  1. If you were kidding, you wouldn't be blushing, now would you? XD

    Shoulders are the most fun! You can do all sorts of things with a person's shoulder, and it's harder for them to get away when you've got their shoulder, because then they've got to move their entire body away. XD
    My cheeks are squishy, so people like to pull on them, pinch them, and poke them. -_-
  2. *laughs and blushes* I was kidding. XD;;

    Ahh, so you're a shoulder person, eh?
    What would they be doing to your cheeks? =O
  3. O_O Did you just....bum....jump....*dies* I can't believe you just admitted to that! XD *copies and pastes the message onto a word document and saves it for eternity*

    Well, I only bite and lick their shoulders. Occasionally I'll pull a hand lick if they're doing something to my cheeks like certain friends always do. ._.
  4. Haha, Vincent is the main character in Dirge of Cerberus. Zack is the lead in Crisis Core. But I DO droll at the screen playing Dirge. I mean, Vincent's bum when he jumps? 8D

    ... crap. Now you have something to use against me. o.o;;

    Biting, licking and glomping?! I hope it's clean! =O
  5. At least you won't be bored anymore, right? ^^;; That's the main reason, but I know the other is because Vincent's the main character of Crisis Core. I know you're just staring the screen and drooling. Don't lie. =P

    I've been doing the usual. Homework, studying, writing, eating, sleeping, biting, licking, and glomping. All that good stuff. ^^
  6. Indeed! ^^

    Ermm. Not much. I've been back at college a week, and I've already got two assignments to get done. Plus, I've been playing Crisis Core a lot (mainly because I can play that AND be on my laptop at the same time).

    How about you my loving, pocky and cookie giving owner? <3
  7. Haha, the persuasive powers of Pocky and cookies are incredible!

    So, what have you been up to, my pony/lycan pet?
  8. NOM NOM NOM!!! =D

    I won't use it against anyone lol. I promise.
  9. You don't have to use that against me for cookies! I'll give you some pocky too if you want. XD *hands Gemmy a cookie and box of pocky*
  10. I have no idea. I saved it because it was full of funniness. XD

    I could use it against you for cookies.
  11. O_O What exactly are you planning to do with that saved conversation?
  12. "Bleachie says:
    How does that work exactly though? Isn't smex meant for two people?
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Hahaha... *chokes on a Dorito*"

    Totally forgot I saved that convo. XD;;
  13. But... if I need to go to the toilet, I think I'd rather go alone! =O
  14. No, you've got to say you dropped the kids off at the pool! Otherwise, it would be like saying you went into the toilet yourself. D8 And that wouldn't be good...
  15. XD

    I'm glad thats why I didn't leave then. Yes, I went to the pool. XD
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 45 of 189
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