Conversation Between Bleachfangirl and Unknown Entity

189 Visitor Messages

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  1. Gnomnomnomnomshoehornnomnomnom
  2. HAHA! I just clicked through the tabby things in the profile on here, and noticed I had a referral. I stared at it and thought, "How in the hell did I get a referral? I don't remember ANYTHING." Then it hit me and I laughed. Though I should waste your time with this since it's late...and your mother is tired.
  3. You can't? If I'm sleeping, I won't make any annoying observations as we travel around and past things like I always do.
  4. And I have to look after my owner, because I can't be carting a sleeping lump around the universe with me. >=D
  5. Pssssshhhh, I was NOT past my bed time! I don't have a bed time, so hah. =P
    And my own sleeping habits have nothing to do with your own, so if I catch you staying up late, I'll still nag. Because that's what good space pony owners do. =D
  6. No. You go suck a shoe. xP

    Also, I notice you were up way past your bed time yesterday. XD
    You can't have a go at me now.
  7. We should talk more often. It seems we have much to teach you. xD;

    And... erm... yesh. ^^;
  8. No one wants to do anything when they're feeling down, so I think I get it. Whenever I'm talking to you guys, I think Joe and I are just wrapped up in figuring out what Vicky and you are saying to each other. XD

    o_o Oh mai. That' Yes. XD
  9. When I'm in a good/hyper/happy mood, I tend to bang the work out faster as opposed to when I'm in a low mood. And even then, when I am working or if they're busy, we don't tend to talk as much - it's just kinda nice having each other there to talk to.

    I doubt Vicky would get jealous, lets put it that way. ^^;
  10. It's cool that you can even concentrate when you're talking to us/them. XD I mean, Joe and Vicky are quite the distracting pair. What with their random jokes and intense moments.

    Whose bum were you thinking of? o_o Vicky will get jealous~
  11. Haha, I will! ^^;;

    I think it's weird... but I think it has something to do with the people I talk to on MSN while I'm working if that makes sense? Seriously, Vicky, Joe and you (when you get online lol) keep me going. xD

    I was thinking about someone else's bum... now Vincent is back and- uhoh. Hiiiii Vinnie. 8D
  12. You better take that threat seriously, because one didn't and got licked on the face because of it. XD

    It's funny how we can be happy while doing work, eh? Homework usually swallows my soul whole, but teh happehness is too big to swallow. ^^

    Maybe you're still thinking about Vincent's butt?
  13. Ewwww! xD

    I'm glad all is well with you. I'm caught up doing work too, but like you I'm also very happy. =D

    And I don't know why I blushed. o_o;;
  14. Bleachie is doing great, thanks for asking. She might be doing homework (oh the procrastination of a true teenager), but she's very happy. How is the Gemmy? And why is she blushing again?

    *licks Gemmy's hand* Leave my cheek alone or I'll lick your face. XD
  15. *blushes* ^^;

    How is Bleachie doing today? =D
    *pokes your cheek and giggles*
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