Conversation Between Asectic and Michael Swayne

25 Visitor Messages

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  1. Thank you for the User Note. Not only is fourth the best, but it is also the Ninja number. I didn't even see it until today.

    Thanks again.
  2. I know that in my experience, I can make anything if there is a recipe. During high school, I was told not to take Home Economics/Family Planning. At the time, I was on track to become a mathematics teacher, and my guidance counselor suggested that I take something that will further my career goals.

    I specialize in baking cakes and breads. Since I have been on my own (19 months now), I have been learning to make things on the stove. You know, actually cooking. One thing that I can never get right is Rice Krispie Treats. I don't know why, but they either become inedible due to them being too hard (it would be easier to eat rocks) or due to them being to gooey (like Rice Krispies in cereal with marshmallow topping put on them).

    I am constantly learning languages. I listen to Spanish and Chinese music all day. I also watch Chinese TV dramas with Spanish subtitles, too enhance both languages. As far as other languages, I am constantly listening to Korean music (I like SHINee and f(x)). I learn languages best by listening to music. I only have maybe 10-12 English language albums. The rest are French, Italian, Spanish, or Gaelic. My sister constantly tells me I am not American because my CD collection is not in English.

    I forgot the last part of your VM. My favorite author. I don't read as much as I did before I got Internet. I enjoy reading the classics, especially Charles Dickens. I could also spend all day reading Frances Hodgeson Burnett. Modern authors, probably Madeleine L'Engle or Anne McCaffrey.
  3. ! Why is it that almost most people I know they know how to make something besides noodles? The only thing I ever made something was rice... and that ended terribly as well ...
    Cool, so are you currently working on the language you already know or starting another one? I think I'd like to learn Japenese, I like their accent.
    What's your favorite author?
  4. I just thought I'd tell you that we can now up-vote/down-vote 2 points each day, and 3 points on Sundays now.

    Hope you are having a good Thanksgiving!
  5. Well, I am writer and carrier for the town newspaper. My work with the paper lets me only have to go into the office one day a week. I am also an online translator in English, Spanish, and Chinese.

    In my spare time, I like to bake, play with my animals, go bicycling, read, watch anime, and enhance my foreign language studies. My parents drilled it into my head to always learn more and more stuff. I pick up languages easily, and so I focus on that.
  6. That's terrible. Though I think I know what you mean. I know some period dramas that would tend to swear, saying stuff about curses and such.

    Huh, that's werid. Other than writing and chopsticks I use the other hand as well. Still cool though

    What do you usually do in your spare time?
  7. I am told I need to loosen up by many people, both in real life and online. It's something I am working on.

    Ooh, swear words are something I have tried to avoid in every language. I was kind of duped into teaching a few Chinese ones to one of my coworkers. She had a few phrases written on index cards, and asked me to translate them. At first, they were simple stuff (names of places, animals, numbers), then it got worse. Chinese profanity isn't as blunt as it is in English. It's more subtleties, until you curse one's family for thirty generations.

    Yes, I am left-handed. But only when I write. I do everything else right-handed (Throw a ball, eat, etc.) I consider myself left-handed, because writing is more important than anything else I know.
  8. Yep! I blame Xana completly for that. So no worries. I'll post again another time. I think you need to loosen up a little.

    ... I KNOW the alphabet and can manage to write a few couple of words. The writing's really bad though. I'm more of the speaking kind. How well? I guess you can say to the point I know some swear words. :3

    OMG! You're left handed too?!
  9. Hello, how are you?

    I have been meaning to ask you something. I read in your journal or somewhere that you had been to Korea. That you travel a lot, actually. I have only ever been to Mexico and about half of the States here in America. My question is do you speak or write Korean?

    I am fluent in English, Spanish, and Chinese. But I can only speak a little Korean. I consider fluent to be able to both write and speak a language. It sounds silly of me asking this to a person I don't know. But I figured I would just come right out and ask.

    About your vote earlier, I am sorry. The OP says that the only special day is Sunday. I have talked with Meier about upping the amount permanently, but he says it's a "surprise". I understand everyone's need to end the game sometime this year; but as an Obliterator, I can't sit idly by and watch these infractions occur. I believe that you didn't intentionally up-vote/down-vote double. I think you saw Xana's post and thought it was that time when voters could do that.

    I forgot to put it in my post, but you are allowed to recast your vote. I think R.Kyra mentioned it in her daily vote.

    Again, I am sorry.
  10. ...
    Hello :3
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