Conversation Between Asectic and Meigumi

6 Visitor Messages

  1. DP? Well, I draw my own stuff, so yeah. ^_^
  2. I know but the preview doesnt necessarily show everything. Like it only shows the tabs, you know what I mean? It gets me a bit confusing :/
    Did you draw your dp? Its so kawaai
  3. You can use the preview button. It helps alot. ^_^
  4. Oh mi god! I love your bg, its soo cute
    I can never get the things there right. Like what portions the main or what's the secondary header LOL
    FAIL x]
  5. Nice to meet you too. xD
  6. Hallo
    An young ha sae yoe LOL
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6