Conversation Between Asectic and Raider

17 Visitor Messages

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  1. me too
    before i had this massive keyboard problem where the cord was busted so know i got a wireless one :]
    doin' anything for easter?
  2. hehe, i has been inactive for the past, year maybe
  3. LOL I just saw Fate's message saying that you're alive
    Have you been inactive for the past few days?
    Cause I have too as a matter of fact xD
  4. hewooo how are you?
  5. ^-^
  6. hell yeah! (:
  7. Yes, you should.
    Add me in it!! :] Let me see... your cousin?
  8. YEHAHHH! Now you is awesomes (; i shall start a family too :L
  9. Sorry okay?? xD
    Well, its fixed now so hope you're happy ^^
  10. heheh sorry its ok but how could you do that to me XD
  11. You could've just told me
    I dont really know who's on and who's not so sorry about that
  12. Eh rly? Did u now XD
  13. yeah i noticed that :¬(
  14. Good. Just working on my binder for confirmation and looking fowards to getting out of elementary school *sigh* time goes by fast, doesn't it? o.O
  15. not much slightley bored but thats life for ya
    how about you
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 17
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