Conversation Between Violet and Taco-Calamitous

69 Visitor Messages

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  1. I know...

    So, that dragon movie any good? One of my friends really loved it, and I've seen a bunch of people drawing that dagron in your avatar/banner on dA.

    I supposed we can make shit up as we go along?
  3. Merry Christmas, ma'am. So that ball thing is opened up. Shall we go, or should we discuss a plan... of infiltration, and DOOM?
  4. Thankee, ma'am. Sorry, my computer hasn't been getting internets very well the past few days, and that's the only one I can get on MSN on (the others have outdated versions, and have various reasons why I can't update them...)
  5. Happy Birthday, Tom! I'm a day late.. gah. But at least I saids it!
  6. I thought of going in and not understanding what was going on. It would work even better with your wanting to be villainous, haha.
  7. Oh yeah, BTW. What's your idea for the Quistis Ball? I was thinking we could be somewhat villainous.
  8. Ask Rocky, he started the thingamabob.
  9. Sesame Street? Can I be Oskar the Grouch?
  10. Okies! I'll do it. Just yell at me if I don't, and I will. And I have an idea for what I will do, heh.
  11. Go look up the Quistis Ball in the RP section. You basically just RP for fun and go to the ball with your partner.
  12. Eh? What do I have to do? Ha.

    Also, for the brief time that I was on tonight, you were away. I'm having internet problems tonight, however; it says I have a good connection, but I can't connect. *shrug* Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom
  13. You should be my partner in the Awards Ball! Would you be active in it or run out on me at the last minute? Lol.
  14. Sorry; I've been playing a lot of Oblivion lately, and being a lazy bum. You need to actually come here and kick me in the ass, I think. Or start writing me VM's instead, because I'm more likely to respond to these apparently, heh. I will try to remember to get on sometime, however. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom
  15. Dude, get on msn more!*kicks*
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 45 of 69
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