Conversation Between Violet and Hyzenthlay

5 Visitor Messages

  1. Ahhhhh, yeah. I think it was somebody trying to make me say something. Nevermind.

    I don't blame you for not wanting to make a banner. I suck at all computer based stuff though and you were my first choice on who to ask.

    Holla at me when you aren't busy.
  2. Somebody asked you? They should stfu and stop making rumors then >.>. I've been pretty inactive on here, that's part of why I haven't responded to your PMs.. I didn't feel like making a banner... I hate making banners now ><, I just do 'em once in awhile. But yeah, I'm not mad at you at all.. I love youz, lol.
  3. I don't know. Somebody asked me why me and you don't get on. That sparked my curiosity. Guess I'm being stupid. Ignore me.
  4. No, why would I be mad at you? Lol
  5. Are you mad at me?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5