Conversation Between Priscilla and Hyzenthlay

11 Visitor Messages

  1. I hope so! If not Martin and I are coming to someone come to your house and throw you a surprise.. Happy party =D.

    Yeah. I move there on the 15th of April. It's exciting =]
  2. Thank you very much. I'm sure I'll be okay eventually.

    How are you and Martin holding up? The move still planned?
  3. I hope you feel better soon. I'm sure you'll meet someone better too =].
  4. I was going to rep you for voting for Martin and I but I've given you rep too recently. So thank you =]
  5. Thank you for voting for Martin and I. If I vote in the bogus, I will vote for you and David. =]
  6. Oh, I was acutally online with my mobile phone
  7. You were on here from work?
    Wish I could do that!
    The closest I get in work is the offices down the hall.
    My comp doesnt even have word at work O.O.

    My day was painfully average. It picked up again later on, when my friend came round. She may have been terribly depressed but it was nice for both of us to have somebody to talk to.
  8. I am good, thank you =)
    Yes, I have had a good day. I just finished work so I am just about to drive home. You =)?
  9. I'm very well, yourself? =]
    Having/had a good day?
  10. Oh, hi there =)
    How are you?
  11. Hi!
    I'm trying to meet new people.
    So I decided to meet you.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 11 of 11