Conversation Between Phantom and Martin

7 Visitor Messages

  1. MARTIN!!! I haven't spoken with you in a while! How are you?
  2. Ha, it's not too chilly here to be honest. Jobs are getting hard to find here there and everywhere, problems with a global economic slowdown. I hate boom and bust economics

    Good luck my friend
  3. I'm doing ok despite job search stress and sweat to show for it, it is hot as hellfire here lol.
  4. Hi, Phantom... it's good to here from you! Oh I've been better if I'm honest

    Many many things... oh well

    How are you?
  5. Hey mate, what's sup? How's life?
  6. Here's a well overdue message my fellow lover of FF Trivia.
  7. Ha, Phantom! My worth adversary and fellow trivia enthusiast!

    I am a mere pretender to your throne, the pauper to your prince!

    I live in hope that I'll have more time so that we can truly lock horns, and duel for the trivia crown! That I would lose.

    Hope all is well sir
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