Conversation Between Furore and Taco-Calamitous

30 Visitor Messages

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  1. I hear ya.
    Actually, one of my journal entries a couple days ago goes into that in a way. That bit I wrote about those I see as being strongest.
  2. Y'know, you were saying that certain people would've been better off not even posting in that thread. I think the majority of people would've been better off not posting in that thread. I look at people who didn't get involved at all, and think, "They had the right idea," heh. I have to open my big mouth though... Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom
  3. Oh and Entity's quite right about that one thing, it being somewhat organised.
    I used to be privy to the odd bit and piece back when I was a member and it's part of why I ended up quitting. I'm surprised about people bothering to deny it though, I mean those things are just games and nine times out of ten anything involving member groups or names ends up just being a popularity contest anyway.
  4. Yeah, it's one of my faves.
    Believe it or not, I'd never really heard of the guy til I heard of him doing stuff with the Melvins.
  5. Have you listened to the Jello Biafra and the Melvins album? I got it a few months ago, really like it. I know you're a Melvins fan and all, so probably, eh?
  6. They'll get the sharp edge of my tongue if they say anything bad about ya dude.
  7. I don't really think anybody's after me. There have been a few things said here and there that I could have chosen to interpret the wrong way, but no one's outright after me, heh.
  8. It's mainly up close.
    The thing most people notice is one of my eyes is lower than the other.
    Had some of it caved in and it's caused me problems ever since (most noticeably by putting more pressure on the one eye).
  9. Lookin' alright, man. Can't judge too well on this screen though, because it stretches everything out. (Parent's computer.)
  10. My facebook

    Only just made it for real a couple days ago.
  11. Don't have you on facebook. Maybe I'll check myspace.
  12. SURE I AM.
    Just not of any particular FF character.
  13. Oh, don't sell yourself short; you're not a fanboy
  14. You can never be sure with fanboys though. I mean some of them can be quite smart still, but others... *shudders*
  15. *nod* The encyclopedia dramatica page on bullshit. I mean, when you vote for Kefka and against Sephiroth, it's pretty clear that you're being sarcastic anyway
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