Conversation Between Furore and ChloChloAriadne

11 Visitor Messages

  1. I wants to be a part of your drinky grewp!
  2. You're very welcome.
  3. Thankoo for bag ^^. I likes it.
  4. Thanks for the sentiments.
  5. I love the username.
    Catchy and it makes me think.
    See ya.
  6. Liek lulz teh ski sily
  7. lulz liek wats urp?
  8. Hello to you too! I'm a big scary.. Frog? :x
  9. meow.
    (I'm a big scary lion).
    Just saying hello.
    And now I must say my farewells to your profile as I seek Ann for a pat and scratch behind the ears.
  10. Gob, gob VAMPY!
  11. Rawr. This is a visitor message, and I'm a visitor!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 11 of 11