Conversation Between Furore and Rikkuffx

44 Visitor Messages

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  1. heyyy whatcha been up to?
  2. Have a great new year!!!
  3. Good going. I'm glad things were sorted out.
  4. I disputed the claim on my video and pretty much said this and i thouht it was someone harassing me and said if you remove mine you have to remove everyones because everyone uses music from bands

    and my vid is now back up
  5. Sounds sleepifying.
  6. nothing much just bout to sleep
  7. Hey again. What's up?
  8. nate!!hiii
  9. Hey you!
  10. ah me too lol
  11. Also good. Been a bit busy of late though. ><
  12. i'm good what about you?
  13. Hey back.

    How's it going?
  14. hEYyy
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 44 of 44
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