Conversation Between Lady Rika and GypsyElder

6 Visitor Messages

  1. Haha it's fine! You're Welcome
  2. Thank you for the birthday wishes!
    Sorry it took me a bit to respond but I was in the hospital for a bit. This makes me smile!
  3. Howly fawk it's your Birthday!

    Happy Birthdaay!<3 (:
  4. Oh I know what you mean, I had to go through it with my mom when I read your post it I kind of got flashbacks. That really sucks, if the Funeral gets to be too much remember to just step outside for a little to get a way from it to calm yourself. Actually that's my worst accidents =[ I guess your case was pretty bad because he was brain dead from what I read. I'm sorry...
  5. Thank you so much it means alot to me, its very hard when someone you care about passes. And i hope I manage at the funeral. Hope you never have to go through this.
  6. Same as Entity <3

    *BIG HUG*
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6