Conversation Between ~FANTASY-ENDER~ and Asectic

18 Visitor Messages

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  1. Yeah, I gotta watch it when I have the time. I only watched the first episode of it.. hmm...
  2. Yeah my avatar and signature pic is from my new anime that I bought Shakugan no Shana, it's a great anime to watch 10 out of 10 stars
  3. oz yeah, from that anime...shakugan no shana o.O
  4. Idk, just practin' how to work some things on the computr. What abut u? I see u changed some stuff up a little o.O
  5. Hey Athna Loveil whats new?
  6. Oook~ just making sure .. allothugh I knew it already o.O Oh well.
  7. The reason why I changed it to Fantasy-Bleach is because many members keep using my name as if I pulled it from Final Fantasy X. Yeah I'm a big fan to the anime Bleach
  8. Yeah I suppose, since this forums is about Final Fantasy. But really, u hooked up with Bleach now? *sigh*

    Yeah, I'd be doing that to all the time. Just that dont you ever get tired of changing ur name all the time o.O
  9. Yeah I changed it again, but I always keep the name Fantasy in there
  10. Heyyy, sup?
    Wow, u always change yur name as far as I know. Now ur into Bleach I suppose? o.O
  11. Haha I see. But before u were going on about how u liked Mai HiME. And now u like Bleach. People always change their likes. But for me I still like Kamichama Karin no matter what ^^
  12. I like Bleach a lot, but I'll be a MY HiME fan.
  13. See, what have I told u? Ppl tend to change the anime on what they like, or do u still like Mai HiME?

    Anyways, hi!! ^^
  14. Oh and btw, that's Mai as an Otome, not a HiME
  15. Eh, but ppl eventually change on what they like, like so
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 18
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