Conversation Between Doc Rocco and Priscilla

46 Visitor Messages

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  1. Oh. I haven't been here for ages D=
  2. BOREDBOREDBORED. School fails right now.
  3. Oh. That is so late.
  4. i can see wen ur last activiteez wuz lololololololol

    ystrday @ 10:46pm lololololol

    u wr up l8 lolololol
  5. Haha yeah it is a pretty cool pen. I am doing the grocery shopping on my own haha. Well, I hope you liked the card. ^^
  6. I got your card today. It was very nice, and you were nice too. ^^ I want a pen that does those colours. D= Mine only does boring red, blue, green and black. I has a jealous.
  7. Last Activity: Today 07:54 PM
    Current Activity: Viewing Index The Final Fantasy Forums

    That's ohkay.
    I hope mine gets there before Christmas.
  8. Last Activity: Today 08:24 PM

    I want to know what you were doing. Now. I am hunting you down.

    And we have no stamps. D= I can't send your letter until Monday, which means it probably won't arrive until after Christmas. Makes me a sad panda.
  9. Last Activity: Today 09:24 PM
    Current Activity: Viewing Index The Final Fantasy Forums

    I is stalking you. Watching your activitiez.
  10. Last Activity: Today 10:15 PM
    Current Activity: Viewing Index The Final Fantasy Forums
  11. Hey, hey, yooou yoooou I don't like your boyfriend.

    I am stuck in my car waiting for Dad to get back so I can drive home.
  12. Lily smells bad. =D
    So does Telstra.
    I am going to kill Lily. I mean, she's great. Look at my neat avy and sig combo she made.
  13. Sometimes when we play ToD I want to say D but I get scared and say T.. well that happens every time ^^
  14. Telstra called me today.
    Well, asking for my Mum.
    They gave me a number to call them back on but I didn't bother writing it down.
  15. I am on the phone with Telstra so I can get texts. They are dimwits. Luckily they have this fantastic music for me to listen to while I wait.

    "All our operators are busy at the moment. You have been placed in a queue. Please wait until your call is answered."

    I know all ready! You have told me three times now! This new age music they're playing is shit.

    Oh Lord. It just got worse.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 46
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