Conversation Between Doc Rocco and Lady Rika

6 Visitor Messages

  1. It's a bout the Doctor - a Time Lord - and his travels in outer space and time. Various human companions accompany him to other regions of the universe while he saves the day. Of course, it's much more epic than how I described it. Watch a few episodes and see what you think.
  2. Aww thats so nice! But im not really doing anything except watching Cash Cab...but since you and Lily I believe have Doctor Who Siggys I think I may want to go watch it. Whats it about though?
  3. Aw, thanks for the lovely comments in the sig thread. I was right to vote you as nicest female. ^^ How are you, anyway?
  4. Hee hee thank you
  5. Oh kay! Only because you are nice. ^^
  6. Rocco, vote for me for Nicest Female please!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6