Conversation Between Doc Rocco and Xeim

22 Visitor Messages

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  1. Thanks for the birthday wishes. I got very hyper, but not quite delusional. =( But it was close enough! Yay!
  2. Happeh Birfday, Xeimeh! Eat lots of stuff and go hyper and get delusional and other stuff which is good. =D
  3. Don't hurry yourself. I'm just glad you didn't forget completely. I'm glad you still want to participate, and look forward to seeing your character. ^_^ I hope you feel better soon!

    Happy New Year!
  4. *sees RP OOC thread*
    *remembers he was going to be a part of it*

    I'll try and have a character post up soon. Tomorrow soon. I'm currently sick, irritable and sleep deprived. =D I thought I was getting a fever, and thus delusions, but I was wrong. That would have made this sickness so much more fun. And worth my being ostracised. xD I'm grumpy apparently. But I've come up with some great insults.
  5. A very Merry Christmas to you as well, Rocco! Have lots of fuuuun.
  6. BOO!

    Merry Christmas Xeim! I'll prolly not be on tomorrow at all, so I say it now. =D
  7. Roccccooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

    I can tell. Me? I have a million things to do and am currently lacking the creativity to do them. D: SOMEDAY!!!!!!


    Hope your boredom is cuuuuurrreeeddd.
  8. Xeimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

    I'm bored. Can you tell?
  9. Yay! My sig is happy that you give it <3!

    I give your sig <3 as well. Avril is liek so totalee awsum. Lily must be a goddess to bestow such a thing upon you.
  10. I give your sig <3. =D What about my beautiful one? Lily made it. She's so nice.
  11. Why thank you, mah Rocco! I'm quite pleased you like! <33333333
  12. Mah Xeim. You have an awesome new banner. I love it. You is talented. <333
  13. OCCOR <333333

    Yes, I got roped into a dare. You are, for the next couple days, mah Occor. ^_^

  14. Mah Xeim. Joo is in mah TFF family now. You weren't before. =O *shock, horror, etc.*

  15. <3333

    "I'm not alone...not any more."

    Cheesy movie quotes are the greatest. ^_^

    <3 you, mah ROCCO!!!!
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