Conversation Between Taco-Calamitous and Zargabaath

119 Visitor Messages

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  1. How is life?
  2. Haven't heard from you in while. How are things going? The AF over here hasn't been bad. Pretty chill these past couple of weeks.
  3. Thanks for the bday wishes. I know how ya feel from like mid may to mid june I had 3 or 4 day weeks. I'm on mids now hence why I am responding here. Didn't want a text to wake ya.

    My bday was nothing special. Went into lubbock, bought some books. The company here is lacking.
  4. Happy birthday, Flemming!
  5. I sent her a calendar event on outlook like a month ago when I first talked to her about it (which is how she remembers things or something) but she acted like she didn't know about it when I told her I sent the leave request this week, so... Hopefully she'll see it anyway.
  6. Do you know if she forecasted your leave? That is what my sup. did. Pretty much a schedule program telling who has appoinyments, leave, etc.
  7. I am going home from the 19th to the 25th of June because my 10 Year High School Reunion is then. Have my tickets bought, and my supervisor said I could go. Now it's only a matter of getting her to remember and getting her to okay my leave... When I took a day off a couple weeks ago, it was down to the last day before they okayed it
  8. Extremely lame to the utmost degree. Have you planned on taking any leave to go back home?
  9. You should just go by yourself to a strange place with strange people who may or may not be taking drugs! Also, that sounds pretty lame. Hope they get it fixed soon.
  10. Yeah, but I don't think it will be that hardcore. Besides it looks like my people aren't goingtherefore I won't. I have some errands to take care of tomorrow. Hopefully, I will get back into my room. They are working on the.ventilation and I am in a temporary room.
  11. Yes sir I am. 3 weekends in a row. The amount of gas is pretty awesome. Going to a rave, eh? I've never been. Aren't there sometimes like drugs or something at those things? Also, we have a 101 Critical Days of Summer brief today. I am going in the morning because the one in the afternoon is right when I get off work :/
  12. There is no drinking buddy invite. Hahaha. Anyhuma, I may be going to a rave friday. We have a safety day. Rave is up in albuquerque. Gotta see if some humes I know are going and what their plan is for their time up there.

    Are you going to your lady-friend's abode for memorial day weekend?
  13. I think it's weird that I've never friended you or vice versa, especially recent events that have taken place.
  14. I got invited to go to that today, but I wanted to be back in time to talk to Julie, so... I just went to the bowling alley. I go there most nights now, heh. Eat a double texas burger. SO GOOD FOR ME.
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