Conversation Between Taco-Calamitous and Fate

81 Visitor Messages

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  1. Welcome back to the STAGE OF HISTORY.
  2. Huzzah, I'm actually here!
  3. Who the FUCK am I?!!

    Getting things. THINGS. No wait, stuff.

    I am in Arkansas, 3 hours from Julie. Much better than Tech School.
  4. Who the hell are you?

    I mean, I'm doing well! Though, I'm not really here... Just getting stuff. xD

    And you?
  5. You're on TFF?! Holy crapper. I didn't expect to see that. HOw are you anyhow?
  6. Thank you sir for your praise.
  7. Hahaha. I never read that multiple account thing until now. You, sir, are a true ninja. *bows*
  8. Thankies, good sir! *salutes* <O
  9. Happy the birth.
  10. Oh, a new job? That's nice. =) Hopefully it won't be full of those non, uh, "celebrative" bastards who won't throw you a birthday party?
    I've been doing a lot better than I'd hoped. =) I got a terrible cold a couple days ago, where I couldn't even fall asleep, but now I can and I'm getting much better.
  11. Got a new job, drinking coffee, watching the end of Daria. There's been a couple kittens in my house too. Life goes on as usual. How have you been?
  12. Oh, him. I know him now.
    Heh-heh, that aside, how have you been, sir? =S
  13. Y'know, that one young man.
  14. ...Sir, who was this young man that you speak of? XX
  15. that's what that one young man said, right before they executed him...
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 81
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