Conversation Between Taco-Calamitous and SuperSabin

43 Visitor Messages

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  1. Heh. Yes.
  2. This is an auto-caption picture I took from youtube from FFXII, can you read it ok? EDIT: sorry about the size
  3. Nice, that sounds like something to look forward to for sure. I am currently without a girl, maybe one day i'll find a nice local person.
  4. She will be coming to get me soon, on Valentine's day
  5. Gotcha, and i have added you. Hows Dodie doing?
  6. I'm on skype. I'm tff-tele. I am not on a lot, however.
  7. hey tele, whats up? do you use skype at all? i've been using that myself. if so would you care to add me? my id is sabinftw48 if you want to. btw we seem to have the same amount of friends on our accounts (mine totals 47)
  8. I suppose being an adult is a heavy responsibility
  9. Cool man. West Coast is Best Coast. Wish I could go back. Good luck to both of us, eh?
  10. I'm getting close to graduation myself, guess we're in the same boat. I'm hanging in there myself, been keeping busy. I recently got a desktop pc for myself for more hands-on experience with computers, networking, and gaming stuff on the side. I plan to upgrade the tower parts ASAP, bought them from amazon the other day. Oh and i'm going to Cali this march, I'm excited for it! haven't been there since I was 13.
  11. Hello sir. I've been existing. About to graduate from Tech School, kinda stressful times. Hope all is well with you. I will have to check that out, yes. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom
  12. Hey man, hows it going? haven't talked to you in a long time haha. You might want to take a look at the general gaming forum sometime, got a bit of a surprise posted on that section. Hope everything is going well for you in this new year we are in!
  13. I'd say i'm doing well, had a birthday party the other day (just turned 22) and got some nice stuff. i also been visiting this one church that has a nice class group that has people within my age range or higher. thats about the latest really.
  14. I DIED!! ...well not really. Dodie came and visited me a couple weeks ago. Been seeing the people. Was a bachelor party this weekend, went a long time. This is my last week home. Then is the military. How are you?

    Okies, will check your thread.
  15. Hey man, long time no talk. What is goin on these days? also you should check out my recent thread on the general gaming forum lol. Found something with an awesome title name.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 43
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