Conversation Between superjj and Victoria

9 Visitor Messages

  1. Fair enough, sounds very exciting. XD
  2. Oh, not much really. xD
    Just the usual forum stuffs. =P
  3. BORED!!!! *dies from boredom*
    I haven't been on the forums in such a LONG time!!
    What's been happening?
  4. I love you too. -smooches-
    I'm doing gooood. How about yooooou?
  5. Meow!! I ish bored!!!
    Mistress Sheena how ish you?
    Love JJ. ^_^
  6. Lolz, thank-you.
  7. Yesh. Is win. You win. Because.. you won my libido. Or something. XDD
  8. Ish win? *confuzzled*
  9. Rawr. You ish win.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9