Conversation Between Flash and Xeim

25 Visitor Messages

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  1. It's a tie between Zidane and The Emperor.

    I played WoL's story mode first and got really mad afterward when I realized it was supposed to BE PLAYED LAST. Now I'm on Onion Knight's.

    I really like the battle system. I think Square did good with this one, even if the story mode is formatted oddly. Quick battles occupy most of my time anyway. ^^;;
  2. Haha...I think I will pass on the AP homework. xD My favorite character is Onion Knight. Just finished Shade Impulse a few hours ago with him and now I have the FFXI character. With 50+ hours now I think.

    Who's your favorite character?
  3. Damn, you have way too much free time. Want to do my AP homework for me? xD I play it a little every day, but I never get to sit down and play for hours at a time. =( Who's your favorite character to fight as?
  4. Yes I be in Dissidia land also. With 40+ hours played .

    I am in need of new One Piece chapters. There was no chapter this week and now I don't know if there will be one this week either.
  5. I be in TFF land again, at least. Lawl. And in Dissidia land. <3 Are you in Dissidia land yet? The world is spherical, don't forget.

    Yay for D Gray man! I read most of the newest chapter... then had to restart my computer and forgot I STILL NEEDED TO FINISH IT. I'll do that....

    Tykki's hair gets incomprehensibly long. o_o
  6. OH?!? How far you be now?

    And I now have the first four volumes of D.Gray-man out of 105 volumes total on the our shelf.

  7. ZOMG!

    I've made some considerable westward progress. SEE?!?

  8. Where you be?
  9. OMG. The mooses were the best dancers ever. Srsly. Wish you could've been there.

    =3 <--- I've wanted to use this all day but couldn't find a good place to wriggle it in. So you get a random out of place smiley. YAY!

  10. Happy birthday Xeim!!!! Hope you get that dance party with dem mooses in Alaska. West!!!
  11. East!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. West!!!!!!
  13. Yep we be careful.
  14. Yeah, it'd be scary if it doesn't work! Carbon monoxide's really dangerous! be careful around those parts until you know the problem's gone, y'hear? ^^;
  15. First we thought it was cause of bricks falling from the chimney into it cause of the earthquake back in April. Keeping all that stuff blocked in and not going out. But it is the furnace my dad has. He is getting a new one now.

    Let's hope that works.
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