Conversation Between Dimi and OceanEyes28

36 Visitor Messages

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  1. Aww. Hang in there, Ally! Life's going pretty good. I have an interview this Tuesday. It's only for summer but it's something at least. Especially the way things are right now.
  2. Hey there. Really good to hear from you. I've been... ups and downs, you know. Silly things. How about you?
  3. It's a rare sighting to see anyone that I know on here anymore. How have you been?
  4. Hahaha NO. If you haven't listened to the link I left with people, I hope you do when you can. I didn't want to spread it around too much, so I uh... haha, didn't. I'm doing well. Finals week, work work work. I want to sleep. But it's all good, I'm makin it. What about you?
  5. Aww, I want to hear clips of you singing. I demand to hear you sing Sir Mix A Lot's "I Like Big Butts" when I get my internet back at the house. And how are you?
  6. Ha! I just noticed I was in you signature being bashful about my singin. And then I decided to say hi. Hi!
  7. Hahaha so you did. We'll never win, but I admire your tenacity.
  8. "Best TFF Couple: Rocky & Cilla, Oceaneyes28 & Djinn (), and OmniTense & Xeim"

    That's right! I told you I would nominate you guys as I had said several months ago! Alijynn FTW!
  9. ROFL. Ally! I love it! I literally lol'd when you started yelling at the phone. I also just realized that we both have a Motorola phone! *high fives* Seriously though, you did a very good job.
  10. Haha tell me what you think of it when you do. And thank you! Twice! I haven't been as active the last couple weeks, and I have missed you and your pleasantness, Fishes. I hope we talk soon.
  11. I'll have to check out that Youtube clip later in your journal since I'm coming on here from my father's computer and not the other in the house. Anyways, congrats on getting all A's! And your entries are ALWAYS fun.
  12. Haha. Thanks. My Halloween wasn't the way I wanted it to be. Originally, I had plans made to take my sister and my cousins trick or treating around a few blocks then go to some parties but my parents wanted me to babysit them the entire time so I couldn't go. The good news is I ended up taking them to this church once we were finished and they were giving out free food and games. That was pretty fun. Other then that, I'm hoping next year will make up for this year!
  13. Isn't he?!?! I am in love.

    And yes, I did. Happy Belated Halloween, yourself. Did you have fun?
  14. Aww. What an awesome dog!!! Sounds like you had fun. Happy Belated Halloween!
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