Conversation Between Dimi and Victoria

26 Visitor Messages

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  1. Glad you liked that. Now re-add meh on MSN, yo.
  2. "If Stephanie Meyer can publish this piece of shit and get away with it, that means my original writing works will be published without any hassle! (You know, stuff that's actually good.)" LOL. The highlight of the hour.
  3. Happy lovely birthday, Fish dear.
  4. Ah, gotcha. XD
    Yeah, I agree with him.
  5. I read Meier's thread in ID. I took his advice. Plus, I'm bored. I'm just killing time right now. Celtic's next!
  6. Haha. XD

    It's going okay. Where'd that confrontation thing come from? xD
  7. Sheena, you whore! *reliefs*

    There I'm confronting you about it.

    How's it going?
  8. Don't have it. Not until April probably or even May. It ****ing sucks cause I'm dying to get that new Lacuna Coil song. Things are going pretty good. I have to go to the DMV and drop off my application to get my State I.D. soon. I betta come out looking good. I hate I.D. pictures. They're kinda like school I.D's, just more important.
  9. So how's the internet status at home? Don't have it yet? =(
    How are things?
  10. ****ing porkshit. That really sucks. TFF seems active in a sense based on the last time I logged on. Then again, I'm hardly on so I'm behind on these things. >< I want a dirt bike. I don't know why I just said that but I've been stuck on that for quite some time now.
  11. There was a convo yesterday. But they're not happening as much.
  12. I nuuuuuuuu. It sucks big time. Is MSN pretty dead now?
  13. Long time no see. =D
  14. Hey. How's it going?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 26
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