Conversation Between Dimi and Flash

55 Visitor Messages

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  1. Alright! That's awesome! You shall be know from now on as Dim The Delivery Boy.
  2. It's been luckily postponed until tomorrow. Thanks though. I'm actually looking forward to this test. BTW, I just found out earlier that I scored a job interview with UPS! I'm stoked!
  3. That is still good though. Almost a B. I had a 77% on my calc test after corrections. And good luck on that next test.
  4. I didn't do as good as I thought I would have. I did alright. Got a 79%, but it still could've been better. I have another text coming up this Tuesday. Hopefully I do better!
  5. Did you pass that Psych test?
  6. I underestimated my Psych test. I studied and reviewed my notes but man, I think it's better if I chunk the sections instead of doing it all. But I'm not sure if I passed though. I'll find out on Tuesday.
  7. Life is alright. I had a Calc test kick my butt the other day. You're test's not going good?
  8. Dude, exams are a bitch. How's life going for you?
  9. Dude, that's awesome! If I knew how to drive a plane, I'd go down there and cheer you on. Are you going out on grad night?
  10. Graduation is on the 16th. Little bit excited for it. I've already registered for college too.
  11. I'm doing good bro. Happy Belated Birthday BTW. I've been here and there. School, friends, volunteering, working (FINALLY), family, etc. How are you? I know graduation's coming up for you in like a month or so. Are you excited about that?
  12. El Fish!!!
    How be you?

    Yeah April cause that's my birthmonth.haha
  14. Never. Never ever ever again. J/K

    I really have no idea actually. Who knows. Hopefully, in April but I don't know.
  15. Any idea when you might get your interwebz back?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 55
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