Conversation Between Dimi and Hyzenthlay

26 Visitor Messages

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  1. Intro to Sociology, Anthropology, and Interpersonal Communications. I'm enjoying the last two classes mentioned. The first one's okay. It's my only online class. The other two are on campus.

    And a music tutor? That's awesome! I've been thinking about picking up an instrument to learn how to play it. I was thinking guitar or piano. The only piano song I know is "Hot Crossed Buns" which is kinda sad on my part. lol. Do you like work?
  2. Oh, yeah? What are the subjects of those classes? You enjoying them?

    I've been great. Just finished work for a month. I'm a music tutor. I mainly teach piano, though.
    I'm getting through lots of nights out and time with friends. Feel like I've spent my whole life working recently.
  3. I know! It's been a long time since I've last talked to you. I've been really good. I've been focused on school for the most part. Instead of enjoying my summer, I'm taking three classes for about a month. After that, I have about a month off before fall semester starts. How have you been?

    (And no problem! )
  4. Hey, how are you?
    Been up to much lately? We haven't spoken in ages!!

    Thank you for the vote in elimination, btw.
  5. Merry christmas!
  6. No problemo. I'm very glad to help.
  7. Oh crap. >< Thanks for heads up.
  8. Hey Fishie. You need to change your answers in 'Fishie- Most intelligent/ nicest female/ most attractive female/ best graphic artist/ most creative/ Best TFF couple' on the Awards. We are limited to 2 people per vote. You have more than two on those ones.
    Just helping OceanEyes out.
  9. I havn't talked to Fishie in a while.
    How are you and what have you been doing with yourself?
    Any crazy times?
  10. I havnt seen it, lol. I just know what it is because of my brothers.
    That is rather random, though =].
    Nevermind, it's all in the aid of a laugh so it's good.
  11. I have no idea, actually. Flash just asked me on MSN if I wanted to partake in this. So I decided to be the Red Ranger at first but ended up being the Green Ranger. And I haven't watched Power Rangers since I was 10.
  12. LOL. What's with the power ranger Dp of you guys?
    I am safe. That was well nice of you to say. =]
  13. Damn. Good to know you were safe though.
  14. Ha ha. It was a very happy halloween. I ended up drinking tequila and I nearly died. Fun, though. So, happy belated halloween to you, too.
    I'm great. I woke up fully clothed in my spare bedroom but it's all good. Work at 2, gah. Are you okay?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 26
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