Conversation Between Xeim and Victoria

140 Visitor Messages

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  1. Wow, you've been gone for so long it doesn't even show when you were on last.
    Miss you, girl. Hope you come back some time.

    I hope school doesn't consume you forever.
  2. *huggles tight* Yuuko is one of my favorites too. ^_^
  3. Thank you and thank yoouuu. *hugs*

    Yuuko is amazing. She's one of my all time favorite female characters. I'm glad you like the siggy. ^_^
  4. And oh! Happy Birthday! *hugs* Your birthday is tomorrow, so yay!
  5. I absolutely adore your Yuuko signature. Very well done. ^_^
  6. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay for booooorrrreeeeeddooommm....... =D

    ...14 minutes til I leave for work. Joy. ^_^

  7. Haha. Thank yoouuuu! It loves being loved.
  8. Hahahaahah, I love that sig! It's so awesome. XDD
  9. Whee! Can't wait. ^_^
  10. Haha, I guess. I still can't wait for winter break though. ;_; Lots of sleep and lots of writing. Whee.
  11. Boo for school. Though at least you have your priorities straight? xD;
  12. Awesome. I can't really work on RP posts right now. =( I am trying to get back into a creative mood though, so I should be able to write by next week.

    Freaking school.
  13. I'm doing all right. Working on my Numbers post and whatnot.
  14. Hello. ^^ I'm good. You?
  15. Heylo there. How's things?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 140
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