Conversation Between Hyzenthlay and Robbo

12 Visitor Messages

  1. Hey long time no see, well talk but still i noticed on Rocky's page that someone has Skyrim, how good is Skyrim, Are you a mage or a rogue or what?

    I'm primarily a mage destruction spells are cool at adept level before that their kinda sucky.
  2. kinda but i'm lacking the time now. Also been going out a lot and my need for a job is increasing quickly haha no beer money at all and i've just finished my first year of college.
  3. Not a lot. Busy lifestyle is kinda on hold right now so I have time to RP. Is that still something you're interested in, then?

    What have you been up to?
  4. It's pretty awesome i suppose how have you been,and what have you been up to my RP tutor
  5. Life is good, Squall. How's yours going?
  6. Hey Hyz How's life?
  7. I'm good thanks and christmas is my time of year
    Coke went and did what :'(

    How have you been?
    Also tutt you didnt post in Nominations thread
  8. Aha. It has been a while. How are you doing?
    Excited for christmas? I haven't felt festive all through advent. I blame coke changing their ad from 'holidays are coming!'.
  9. Hello we hasn't spoke in ages and seeing as im kinda perfect and all its gotta be down to you
  10. okay what festival did you go too?
  11. I've just been at a festival, went last Wednesday. I'll be writing in our thread later, okay? =]
  12. Hey just checking to see how you are doing?

    we havent spoke in a while
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 12 of 12