Conversation Between Hyzenthlay and Jin

59 Visitor Messages

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  1. Where are you? You should be on whenever I am... even after months of absence!
  2. Just don't jump out of the car unless absolutely necessary.
  3. I can't right now. Just about to jump in a car. Later, yeah? Bear in mind my late will be your early. XD
  4. MSN, you.
  5. Annoying? Not at all. You were rather amusing.

    I'm waiting for a bit on New Vegas to find out which system I want it for. I'd prefer it for the PS3, but if it's going to be another crappy port with really late DLC, I'll probably just get the 360 version.

    As for invisible things, I think one day we should tag team wrestle an invisible Super Mutant. I bet we could take him.
  6. Ha ha! Sorry! Was I annoying?

    Reply to the other convo-

    Plasmids are tasty.

    If I had to get used to no trees I think I'd take my cactus with me. His name is Hal and he has sunglasses. Lol. Easing in with familiarity is win!

    You think I'm cool!? That's a first. Maybe I should play with invisible things more, huh? I ruined my dress, though.

    My text for Fallout just came today!!!! I have the Classic pack on pre-order you see. That means I get cool downloadable content. Doesn't cost me more either. I'm so excited I could pee. No more Dragon Age for a while.

    I had fun both times we've spoken on MSN. I think the drunken one was funny. Lol.
  7. You're a fun drunk.
  8. It's not so bad being underwater that long. Usually we just end up indulging heavily in plasmids until insanity and anarchy reign supreme and no one is safe. Then the ice thaws and it's all good.

    A lack of greenery would take a bit of getting used to, I'm sure, but that's why potted plants were invented!

    Damn them and their lack of cord etiquette! But oh my god, mud wrestling an invisible spider!? That's by far the coolest thing I've ever heard of. That should have its own internet meme that signifies awesomeness. Seriously.

    Much as I complain, it's sure good to be employed in October. The games just keep coming. x_x I've already purchased Enslaved and Castlevania and there's still Fallout and The Force Unleashed (if it doesn't totally suck) to get! My wallet is crying.

    I had fun talking. You should be deprived of sleep more often. ^_^
  9. Not going out for so long must suck! :/

    Yeah, the only trouble is that all my friends live so far away. Another shock for me would be moving to the city. I've always lived in the suburbs, you see. Most of my friends live in town. I guess I could adapt, the lack of green would just be a shock for a while.

    HA HA HA! I think so yeah!

    Maybe she is. I'll have to keep an eye on her when she's in my garden. If she starts flirting with my trees, or taking off their leaves slowly, I'll know something's wrong.

    *rolls eyes* My brothers friends in their unmatched maturity turned off my computer at the plug. I told you they were morons. Anyway, as for your question; it was mud on my hands. I was playing (rolling around a field) and rolled into a dirt patch. The mud happened to look like a spider... Well... After I'd poked it around a bit. I made it into shapes.
  10. Yes, I live underwater. New Rapture is under Lake Winnipeg. 7 months out of the year, we can't get out due to surface freezing.

    My writing has been stalled due to extreme laziness, haha. I need to be in the right mood to write and it hasn't hit me lately. I'll eventually get to it, I'm sure.

    You could always move in with a friend. That's what I'm planning on doing. I doubt I could afford living alone in anywhere that's not a dump if I weren't splitting the rent with a roommate. Aggravating as it may end up being, it's the better option I think.

    I think that smiley worked much better than the shy one would have.

    Maybe your friend is sexually attracted to trees. It's no wonder said person would want them stripped if that were the case. All those sexy, naked branches. My god!

    Where'd you go last night?
  11. Manitoba... HOLY CRAP THERE ARE A LOT OF LAKES THERE! *Cough*, I didn't use google maps. That's weird; it says you live in the middle of lake Winnipeg. I don't think that can be right. Unless you have some super awesome underwater house.

    I've just finished Red Dead and Crackdown 2. I'm now on Lylat wars beating Andros the impossibly strong gorilla. The main games I'm playing right now are Secret Files: Tunguska, and Secret of Mana. Lots of secrets in my room right now.
    I've just done some writing again. Back to fantasy novelling- how is your writing going?

    Yeah, that's a very good point. I'm getting older now. I suppose I should start thinking of what to do about living alone. The problem is that I'm only just used to life up north. I think moving out on my own would be major overload. My mum would go spare and I'd go insane. Plus I'm not so good on my own. I still have problems with being worried about walking around on my own. Can you imagine if I was in charge of my own security? Crikey... Lol.

    Awwwwwww. Thank you very much. <--- They didn't have a shy one. I liked that one. Lol. Yeah, games night is ruined and now Jess wants me to 'strip trees' with her tonight. What the hell!? I think not. I'm going to get some vodka and some energy drink and get soem of the guys down. They're always up for doing strupid things... Most of which don't involve trees.
    Anyway, yeah. I'm going to try to have fun tonight.
  12. State-wise, I'm north of the border, in the horrendously boring Canadian province of Manitoba. =P

    Work's been alright. It's work, what can I say? Some good days, some bad days, not getting payed enough, haha. You know how it is. As for gaming, I'm currently waiting for the holiday rush, so I've just been playing a bit of catch-up. Right now I'm in the middle of Yakuza 3 and Peace Walker. Unfortunately, they're both really meaty games, so I doubt I'll finish them by the time the October rush hits, which is a shame as they're both heavily story driven and I'll likely forget what's going on by the time I get back to then, but oh well. What about you? What are you playing?

    You need to get call display that can block numbers then block her before you go to bed. 1 sure way to get a sleep uninterrupted by mama-stalkers...unless she's one of those resourceful stalkers...>.> As for me, I just feel it's time to move out. I'm 22 already and it has to happen eventually. I figured I should start trying to work towards it now, while I'm taking a year off school. Trying to "grow up" a bit, as it were, whatever that's supposed to mean. That and parents can be quite aggravating at times, haha.

    That 14 year old has impeccable taste, I must say. I do think he's right in his assessment . Sorry to hear that your fun game night has dissolved into a night of passive social networking. That's a shame. Maybe you can still get drunk and screw around with your friend's Facebook account? I bet that'd be fun too.
  13. I should hope so. At least somebody missed me ...

    Where are you from again? State-wise.
    How's work treating you? Also what games have you been playing?

    Saving to move out can't be bad. If I ever thought I'd escape my mother I'd move out myself. I can see her being a creepy stalker, though. You know; A call in the middle of the night, only loud breathing to be heard and... such. What made you want to move?

    My life has been great, just work and games for me. Sadly Friday night has gone from lots of friends gathered for 'games night' (A night of drinking copious amounts of alcohol and playing any game at hand, rather badly!) to Aimee and Jess night (A night of watching Jess on Facebook and eating apples, it would seem.) My friends are all at uni you see. Ah, well. Apparently I'm the hottest teacher a new, 14 year old, student has ever seen. Match point Aimee. Then again most of the faculty at my work are above the age of 50. I still win though.
  14. Darn straight I did. Where've you been? Making the world your oyster?

    As for me, I haven't really been doing anything of note lately. Work - gaming if I feel like it, time wasting if I don't - bad sleep - work - gaming if I feel like it, time wasting if I don't - bad sleep - rinse and repeat.

    I'm saving up to move out, so there isn't much to be done other than that right now, I'm afraid.

    How about you? How's your life been?
  15. "I'd forgo holding in farts.

    It would be quite liberating, albeit noxious."


    How are you? What have you been doing with your life?

    Missed me? Lol.
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