Conversation Between Hjortkayre and Unknown Entity

43 Visitor Messages

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  1. thanks!
  2. Happy Birthday! =D
  3. Fine, fine. A little tired but, other than that fi.... zzz...

    How are you?
  4. How are you doing? =)
  5. Hi to you too. =)
  6. *blinks*

    OMG, IT'S YOU!! Hello! ^^;;
  7. Hahaha... no. I'm bored off my face cos all my friends went away and left me!

    But they should be back soon...
  8. Yeah, it was good fun. The weather was pretty good too, which proves the weather forecasters wrong... again.
    Have you done anything fun over the summer?
  9. Thorpe Park eh? Sounds like fun!

    Have a good time?
  10. Hi again. Sorry I haven't talked to you in a while, I've been down at Thorpe park for a few days.
    School starts up next week for me.
  11. Lol, hope so...
  12. I know, but I know the time will fly!
  13. You can talk, you're not even 18 yet!
  14. Lolz, the time will fly - before you know it, you'll be 18!
  15. Only 14, but I look older than I am. I can pass for a 16 year old. But there's no chance I'll pass for an 18 year old at the moment. Maybe in a year or two, lol.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 43
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