Conversation Between Tiger Lily and LocoColt04

8 Visitor Messages

  1. Yessir.

    Was wondering why that email never came through.
    Problem: Email address I put in "email" field was the one I get all my notifications sent to. I'd forgotten about that.
    Solution: Emails go to [email protected], where I check them.

    Problem solvered. =D
  2. Perks of being the stalkee?
  3. Oh, everything goes because you say so.
    No justification needed. =P
  4. This is excellent news!

    Yes, that required a different color.

    Because it is 6:47 in the morning and I said so.

    Also, it amuses me.
  5. 16 is indeed legal. =P

  6. Oh, and in response to the question you posed in your avatar...

    16 is legal down there, right? If so, totally.
  7. O HAI!
    My new stalkee = win.
  8. Y helo thar
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8