Is that... rap? ;_; It makes my eyes bleed, man. xP
TIP comin live from the VIP, heard the night life lost life when I leave Both the Feds and the State wanna see my need The whole city got bizzerk he got treat Bring em out bring em out, its hard to yell when the barrels in yo mouth
Roooocccckkkky. Oh god. This isn't looking good for the Rocky-Lily VM track record. I'm about to yell at you for getting something wrong again. But you didn't reply to my response after I asked how you were and you said you were good. So HAH! Poo to you. =P Why didn't you vote Cilla for Most Popular or Nicest Female? D= You should haveeee. =D
That's good! =D I'm actually fairly awesome too. Same's you, long day but it turned out good. I want to grab everyone's hands and dance around in a circle singing Katrina and the Waves, mannn. Dad's redundant, but I don't have to move. I DON'T HAVE TO MOOOVE! =DD
I'm actually pretty awesome, thank you for asking! I had a long day, but it was all good at the end. How about yourself?
*views conversation* Oh, you're right. XD Woe. Sorriesss. You can have an ohaithar then. OHAITHAR! =D How is teh you?
damn, my fault. good thing there is that silly edit button on the forums, amirite?! But yeah I will have to change that and switch you in for a nomination then, my fault for not being up in the status quo then. How come you only VM me when I make a fool out of myself? No simple "ohaithar" just "RAWRRRROMFGITSALION". I guess I will have to make a fool out of myself more often then.
E-scuuuuse meee. Bleachie was nae a founder of the Grammar Club. She isn't even in the Grammar Club! It was Rocco and I, and Froggie was kind of hauled on board before cree-ay-shon of the thread. =O You maek me sad panda.
oops! lol I totally forgot about that. So that throws my whole theory completely out the window, heehee! If I would have remembered that you two were an item I would have never said that, so I apologize for any relational strains that I may have caused in the past couple of days, lol.
I'm married to Fishie, foo'! I'm not a cheaterrrrr. ;-; You hurt me, Rocky. You hurt me real deep. *sniff*