Conversation Between Tiger Lily and Confession

11 Visitor Messages

  1. Well, I didn't actually say why I should win it. :x
  2. Shut the hell up. I mean seriously. You parading around what you want to win and why you should win it is just blatent propaganda. How about letting people choose for themselves instead of trying everything in your power to win.
  3. You can vote for me for Best Signature/Avy Combo too, if you want. =D
  4. i blame hedwigs luvr 4 evrything
  5. If you love this "Rocco" fellow, then why are you married to Fishie? I smell lies covered in peanut butter, You cannot hide lies in peant butter. The dogs just end up licking it off.
  6. O hai thar.
  7. Hutts are hermaphrodites.
    I am a hutt.
  8. Be bop bop beeee bop bop beeeee bop bop!
  9. Well. I tried to obey your journal. But it wouldn't let me. Repped you recently, methinks. What a clevar ploy though! I think I shall try that when I start my new journal. Yoo is muh hee-row. =O
  10. Tiger Lily again WAHOO
  11. CWAKUKUKUKUKA!!!!!!!!

    Message thingo, meh
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 11 of 11