Conversation Between Tiger Lily and Phantom

13 Visitor Messages

  1. Ouch. Coughing's always a pain in the arse. I know my cough never goes away less than two weeks after I've gotten over sickness. >.< Let's hope yours is better. =D

    Good that you're feeling better though. ^^
  2. Been sick for bout a week, I think I'm starting to feel better, but I'm sick of coughing ><
  3. Awwww. That's no good. How long've you been sick for? D:

    Soup is good though. ><
  4. I'm s.i.c.k its getting really annoying >< bout to eat some soup

    I'm gooooood. You?
  6. LILY!!!! Haven't messaged you in a while ^__^ How is you?
  7. LOL Hutts must hurt alot o.o
  8. Hutts are hermaphrodites.
    I am a hutt.
  9. Hey Lily-kun! It's been a while, how are ya?
  10. Phantom-kun! *hugs back*
  11. Hey Lily-kun *hugs*
  12. Phantom-kun!
    Have a note. =D
  13. Hey Lily-chan!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 13 of 13