Conversation Between Tiger Lily and Doc Rocco

148 Visitor Messages

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  1. Sending Craven an abusive text message hasn't changed the fact that HE IS AWAY AND GEORGE IS SITTING NEXT TO ME AND SAYING THAT "YOU CAN'T RIGHT CLICK? THIS IS THE MOST DUMBEST THING EVARRR."

    OH MY LAAAAWD. ;_;
  2. I AM BORED. I hate IPT. ;_;

    I think I shall die from boredom. D=
  4. go awy mrs rafael nadal lolololol u is mareed 2 him lol ur just jelus dat i am hana montana and am wikid kewl and not mareed to a moron

    My Lord that was painful. But still. You are married to the object you so despise. My work is done. =D

  5. I do not. I hate you time a BILLION. ;_;

    U R 2 ebil 4 wurds lol D=
  6. Kekekekekekekekekeke.

    So do you. Like manure from someone with TNS. ;_;
  7. You smell bad. ;_;
  8. Booooooooooooooooooooooo.

    I am bored and tired and it's cold and it's meant to be summer and SCHOOL IN 4 DAYS.

    I shall die, to be honest.
  9. Froggie was over last night. =P We were watchin' Dexter. And Chicago. Mmhmm. Good starf, yush.

    I only got about... Seven or eight hours? I went to sleep some time in the early hours of the morning, woke up a bit before nine. D=
  10. You were not on MSN last night. Bad Lily. Neither was I for the most part, but let's just ignore that hypocrisy. =D I was very bored last night. So I went to bed early. And woke up early. >>; Still. Twelve-and-a-half hours of sleep is good.
  11. You already know, but I feel I must reiterate.

    IT'S BACK!
  12. Part two:

    Well, gogo. Your parents should be THRILLED by the idea of our garage. It has also housed some crap in its day. The mattresses, computers, hanging baskets, prams, cots, bird cages, compost bins, boxes, boxes, coke bottles, boxes.. much crap. =D We don't have a spare room though. ;_; Or a shed. ;_;

    The first one was five characters over, can you believe? I estimated the length about right. I'm proud of myself. Mmhmm.
  13. Oh woe. D= That sounds badbadbad. D= A cut? That spits out slug clots? Wow. That's some cut. Contact GWR. lyk srsly. Do eet. D=

    Not laughing is fail. I think I would make it to the hospital door and have to run back in again, quickly. I am bad at not laughing. Well, there goes MSN. Again. About the fourth time I've logged on tonight. I kept getting bored and going on, then it lagged too much, rararara. And then I saw you on TFF and thought you were being ninja, so I logged back on, but obviously that is a bust. ;_;

    I conclude that these thingies for my dad are impossible. He wants me to colour this corner of a thing light green and the background dark green. But the corner is, of course, rounded, so that makes it a pain in the arse to do and I can't make it look right. GAH. [I fixed the initial problem. I had to change it from indexed colour to RGB. Why he put it in Indexed I don't know.] So I am angry. And wow, it's late. I wanted to watch the X-Files. Guess that one fails. Poo.
  14. Part Three

    Your garage sounds positively inviting. I will tell them of its splendour. Our garage doesn't have a bathroom or mattresses. All of our mattresses are in the spare room. Which we children have taken over and now use as a games room. =D Our garage does have a freezer with lots of food in it though. And a dryer. And a car. And a barbecue. And my dog's bed. One of the sheds houses a stingy old mattresses, though. And other mattress-y type things. And a really old computer. It has had Windows 95,98 AND XP put on it. Is sloooooooow.
  15. Part Two of My Epic Tale

    I called for mum, and she just about dry wretched. My nose was still bleeding profusely, so I covered it with another tissue. Five minutes later, same story. So mum called Health Direct and whisked me off to the hospital. There, a really nice nurse treated me and said it was a cut. She did something to it. (It sounded like quarter. XD) I is better, but I cannot: Laugh, sneeze, blow my nose, touch my nose or breath too heavily. So I am not going on MSN in case I laugh like I usually do. D=
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