Liiilllllleeehhhhhhhh! It didn't take me a long time to respond to this, I swear. It's all in your mind. =D How are you, though? <3
Xeeeeiiiiiimmmmyyyyy. =D
Hutts are hermaphrodites. I am a hutt.
Gah, that's seventeen hours difference! O_O I'm usually on in the mornings over here, which in the morning there. ^^; Uh-oh. And then I'm on around this time...which is when you're at school! =O But yesh, try to be on on weekends so we can talk! It's been far too long. =( FAAARRRRR TOOOOO LOOONG.
Damn. I can't be on now. At school, and MSN sites are blocked and stuff. Not good. D= Well, it's quarter to two in the afternoon now, if that helps. Five PM here is midnight over where you are. I think it's fourteen or fifteen hours' difference, depending on DST and whatnot. I'll try to be on in the afternoons on the weekends. I miss youuu. ;-; <3
Lily! I'm on MSN nows! =O But I don't know our time difference or what time you log in! But it's been like..four months! I miss yous! ;_; <3
Xeimy! Be on MSN at my time more. =o
Xeimy, I haaate you. Your new sig looks so good. I think I'll nom you for best graphic artist along with Omega this year. D= Evil girlll.
Happy birthday Lily! Now you just need to log in when I'm on so I can give you an entire Orochimaru themed bedroom set and a whole crapload of sporks...hmm.... Well, I'll give you the sporks now, at least, my beloved spork dealer. =P May your day be filled with happiness. ^_^ *hugs*
Have a note, Xeimy. And a GMT +10 timezone. D=
Xeimy! <3
XEIMY! Note time! =D
Lily! I miss you! Why can I never catch you online? It makes me all sad inside. =/
Xeimypie! We need to be on MSN at the same time. Haven't talked to you in too long. D=
CRAP. Why must I always miss you when you are online? And singing The Little Mermaid, this time, so I hear. I'm sure you sounded awesome. You should get on at the same time tomorrow. I will try to get on then. =]