Conversation Between Tiger Lily and Omega Weapon

29 Visitor Messages

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  1. You're welcome, O Sig God.
  2. Haha. Thank you Lily. ^^
  3. Woo, well we're all shocked at the outcome of the sig contest. =P

    Congratulationsss! =D
  4. I believe your current sig is by far your best to date. I really like it and the difference between it and the original pic is unbelievable. I highly recommend participating with it.

    PS: I must admit I never thought I would see the day when Lily runs out of ideas!
  5. Yeah, that's my backup plan at the moment. I think I'll enter my current or one of my X-Files or Phantoms if no inspiration comes to me.
  6. This sucks. >.< I wish I could help you but I just can't think of any original idea at the moment. >.>

    I believe there is so much you can do! However, If you think that there is absolutely nothing you do, you can participate with your current sig or with any of your old sigs! They were all great.
  7. I have run out of ideas. ;-; I'm at a total loss as to what to make. >< I've done most of my interests to death with banners and I want to be originalllll.
  8. I totally agree with you, they are unbelievably awesome. Sharon is <3

    Maybe. xD

    Wow! Don't tell me you are running out of ideas! >.< Please hurry up! That signature contest won't be the same without you! =\
  9. REALLY? Within Temptation is awesome. <3

    But that means I'm screwed again.

    Erm. It's still in planning. >_>;;
  10. Haha. Pure and simple, isn't it?
    Seriously though, I'll be busy working on a new sig, soon, TFF will be filled with some killer Within Temptation sigs. I love Within Temptation!

    PS: What happened to your contest signature? Is it ready?
  11. This, in my opinion, is your best av/sig set yet.

    Or at least, the most lowlier-member friendly.

  12. Maybe. =O
    Haha, I shall tryyyy to make a good one. Won't beat you though. xD
  13. Haha. I guess I should take the blame for this tragedy! >.<
    Come on Lily! You still have a lot of time to make the best sig in the history of TFF! Hopefully you will kick my ass this time!
  14. It WAS going to be of an apple tree. But then I saw yours and it became insta-fail. xD
  15. Thankies! ^^

    Seriously though, I can't wait for your contest signature! What's it going to be of?
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