Conversation Between Tiger Lily and Martin

9 Visitor Messages

  1. It is him
    And he <333333 hugs. He fell asleep on my chest before... all stretched out like he was trying to hug me. It was cuuuuute ^^.
  2. I wanna huuuuuug him. Her? Him. Let's go with him. *attacks with hugs*
  3. Haha, you're really not the only one Lily ^^.
  4. I love your hedgehog. <3333
  5. Lily is teh awesome. Thought I'd just kind of... yeah.

    How is oui? Apart from probably suffering from some kind of sugar-induced coma...
  6. It'll do for me, I must admit twas a tad confusing hahaha
  7. Haha. Truth or Dare should be a sufficient explanation. ><
  8. Lily, I... errr... *thinks of witty response and fails*
  9. Hutts are hermaphrodites.
    I am a hutt.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9