Conversation Between Xithor and Rocky

14 Visitor Messages

  1. haha see thats why I think him and Corki are the best AD carries in the game; they have blinky abilities like Arcane Shift/Valkyrie that allows them to either chase or put the distance between them and the other team. But man, GA and Zilean Ult, if my team lost to that I would of immediately surrendered out of rage lol.
  2. Just raped kids again with Ezreal ranked lol 14/2/8, they focused me in three fights and I Arcane Shifted over walls to get away, they were so pissed haha. Then I got a Guardian Angel and they were really pissed when I revived and destroyed, oh then I died again and Zilean revived me and we aced them haha. Too funny
  3. oh very nice! I do like the guide, I don't play ez a whole lot but from the build order and items you get, it all makes sense. And yes on squishy ad carrys like him, corki, etc, flash/ghost is the way to go!

    And I actually kinda did the opposite, my first few ranked games I did really well (my first game we won with a 0/19 sivir on our team rofl), but after that I hit a bad bad baaaad streak of luck and went down from the 1300 range to 1000.

    but yeah I'll add you and we can duo queue or something! my name is zWelding
  4. Funny that you should ask what my build is on him because I just wrote a guide to my build on Mobafire lol here is the link: AD Ezreal - Ranked Carry. I love Arcane shifting away from ganks lol it's even more hilarious to double flash away from any gank attempt because I usually take Flash/Ghost with Ezreal just so I don't die.

    I also did a guide on Nocturne because he really is a lot of fun to play, and I'm in the same boat as you ELO wise. Played with some bad people when I first started and it really set me back. I'm hovering around 1200 ELO right now and I try to go a carry whether it be AD(Ezreal/Ashe) or AP(Malzahar/Kennen/Lux) to literally try and drag myself out of ELO hell because whenever I tank with characters like Shen/Maokai/Malphite/Amumu I tend to get feeder carries and get demolished =/. My name is Xaon on LOL if you ever want to play a game. I am usually on quite a bit, use it as a study break for myself and often as a procrastination tool haha
  5. haha its true! I just hate his blink move that lets him get away, almost ganked him successfully with nunu one time while I was Absolute Zeroing him and he just blinks out last second. zz. Thats really good though in ranked, props to ya! Whats your build on him?

    And yes, jungling is hella fun and is helping me slowly but surely get out of elo hell right now. I mostly keep it simple by jungling with Warwick, but I love to counterjungle with Nunu, so much fun to get firstblood and steal their redbuff all at once.

    Yes, I do like Nocturne and I'd buy him if I had the rp to do so! (I just recently bought Jarvan and needed an AP Carry runepage so I'm broke for ip atm hahah) I think his Fear move is a little overpowered and I dont think his Q aura should let him do extra damage to turrets, but otherwise I like the balance on him. And yes that ult when used on me the first time was a little scary hahah.
  6. Skill shots is what makes him so fun to play! Plus he is a great AD carry, just went 9/2/16 with him in a ranked game haha he is a hard one to get the hang of though. Took me a lot of practice bc missing your skill shots = failure.

    Jungling is fun, but I suck with Udyr and Olaf so no bueno here. I do like jungling with Nocturne and like Amumu. Have you gotten a chance to play Noc? Such a scary ult, I loss my mind a little when it goes off against me haha
  7. hahaha I dont mind him to be honest, hes a hard character to play and I've only played him like one game.

    I really dont to play a solo mid champion to be honest, a jungler champ is more my thing. I live for the gank
  8. You don't like Ezreal? lol long time ago I know but haven't been back for a while
  9. ezreal avatar?? 0_0
  10. Thanks Rocky, appreciate it
  11. happy birthday sir
  12. haha it's cool bro just thinking FF IX eidolons, easy to mix em up lol
  13. hahaha oh my god how the **** did I screw up that bad?! *fixes*

    Yeah it's ramuh high. lol
  14. Is it Ramuh High like in the title or Shiva High like in your first post lol
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 14 of 14