Conversation Between Wolf and Fate

8 Visitor Messages

  1. No, but I', panning on getting it. It received an okay rating, but I heard it's only 20-30 hours long.
  2. I've heard of it, but I've never played it before. Have you played it at all? And if you have, is it any good?
  3. Well, I'm planning on getting it soon. Aren't unions in Infinite Undiscovery, too? I'm planning on getting that game first. Have you played it yet?
  4. Yes, I have played and completed the Last Remnant. I got Xbox 360 version. I thought it was a pretty good game. The battle system is pretty interesting too. You divide all your units into squads aka "unions" and give your unions orders on how to attack a squad of enemies. Each character has their own stats and equipment but during battles all of the union/squad's stats HP / MP / etc is combined.
  5. I just had to ask you. Since you have an avatar of Rush, does that mean you've played The Last Remnant? Is it good?
  6. sure thing!
  7. thanks man!!!
  8. Happy b-day!!!!!!!!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8