Conversation Between Wolf and Dimi

16 Visitor Messages

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  1. Haha. I haven't even played FFXI in years. I had it installed on my old computer and man, it was extremely laggy. I hope I get a laptop soon or maybe a better computer when FFXIV comes out. I haven't played any games in quite a long time.
  2. Yes, I have heard of FFXIV. It should be very interesting. I just wish they didn't announce it so soon. I'm not even close to being done with FFXI. XD
  3. That's awesome man. I've been trying here and there to post some more. At least the topics I find interesting on here.

    I've been good though. Been going to school and am looking for a job. My summer job ended last month but I'm hoping to get something for the holidays.

    Have you heard about FFXIV? I'm seriously behind on the series and barely got a glimpse of an article I read earlier.
  4. Hey Fish! I've been good. Just been busy lately with school and work. I've been playing FFXI a bit lately too. I don't post as much as I used to on here, but I usually lurk around topics here sometimes. How have you been?
  5. Was just browsing through my usernotes and was wondering what happened to you. How have you been ?
  6. Fishie, it's been awhile, how have you been?
  7. Merry Christmas Fishie, well Merry Christmas yesterday...I didn't have computer access yesterday.
  8. Hey Fishie, in case you haven't checked yet, I played the arcade for the competition already. Thanks.

  9. Join him on his last day before matrimony grabs him by the balls. If you have any questions or concerns or drink recommendations, contact Fish Kelish at 555-7859.
  10. Haha. You and Faith are the only ones that know the "Hairy Uncle Bob' guy.

  11. Happy Birthday again! Hairy uncle bob!
  12. Well, I haven't been on the forums since earlier this year, like January or February. I just graduated from high school this year and I start college this fall. But yeah, I have the summer off from school = ] and as for work, I work at a grocery store in the produce department. The pays sucks, but it's nice to have a little extra spending money.
  13. You don't have the summer off from school?

    Good to hear you work now. What do you work for? I need a job. ><
  14. Pretty good, I'm returning to the forums again for the third time. lol I've just been busy with school and work.
  15. It has. No VM's yet. Here you go. Good to see you again.

    How are things?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 16
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