Conversation Between Omega Weapon and Halie

122 Visitor Messages

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  1. Oh... that sounds... pleasant... XD. I'm very sorry >_< I hope everything's fine now. But it's good to know you're still Omega .

    And yeah, I think so... I kind of drift in and out of activity. Depending on how busy I am really. Atm I'm struggling to find something to do, so I seem to be finding myself lurking through here a lot... XD.
  2. Yeah! I'm back! =D
    I've been okay... Last year sucked so bad. I lost my job, broke up with my girlfriend of nearly two years, and had some shitty problems, it's all good though. I'm still the same Omega.

    Are you officially back?
  3. Woooooooow, Omega! You're back, too! =D

    I've been okay, busy busy busy. And yourself? Where have you been? =D

  4. Dystopia/Halie! I can't believe you are back!!!! How have you been?
  5. Ah that's alright, I'm fine with long stories. lol. Do tell! .

    And thanks ^^. It's a shame you didn't have such a good Christmas. Hopefully next year'll be better.
  6. Haha. Of course you are, but believe me, it's such a long story. But hey! It's great to know that you actually had a good Christmas, you deserve everything you got BTW. ^^

    Almost forgot. Happy belated new year! May you be super healthy, super wealthy and super happy in your life. ^^
  7. Aww =/. That sucks. Why aren't I allowed to know? lol.

    Yeah, I had a really good christmas, got a lot of presents =P haha.
  8. Haha. It's alright. ^^

    Well, since you asked, I can tell you that my Christmas sucked, and the next day wasn’t any better. Don't ask me why cause I won't tell. =P

    What about you? I really hope you had a great Christmas.
  9. Thanks =) Merry Crimbo, too ^_^.

    (I'm a little late... lol). How did your Xmas go?
  10. Merry Christmas Halie. Hope you have a great day.
  11. I agree with you. In fact, I've been extremely busy too. College is taking most of my time. Not to mention that I am having some serious problems with my internet. >.>
  12. Noo problem. I've been fine ^_^. Extremely busy >.> heh. Seriously though, you've been around less and less lately >.>.
  13. Halieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee =D.
    I have been doing great. Thank you for your question dear. <3

    What about you?
  14. Ooooooommmmmeeegggggaaaaaaa =D.

    I haven't seen you around in yonks. How've you been?

  15. It IS official now. You are the winner of Halloween signature contest. ^______^
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