Conversation Between Itachi Uchiha and Halie

18 Visitor Messages

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  1. Well hello there, stranger. Haven't spoken to you in a veeeeeeeeerrryyyy long time. (Erm, it's Halie btw, if you've forgotten lol).

    Anyhoo. It would be nice to catch up with you sometime ^___^.
  2. Cause my family don't know what to get me so I'm going on a spending-spree

    And yeah, xeim told me about that idea xD Well we all know what xmas is for me. time infrotn of the computer, avoiding relatives.
  3. Haha, me and Xeimy were talking about that actually. We decided we need to get all four of us on at the same time over the holidays. And this time we will, 'cause we didn't in the summer >=[.

    That sucks >.> Why only money?
  4. True, True. I do miss you ot so no wonder I'm back.

    And xmas o.O I'm still not in the mood for it yet + I'm only getting Money this year
  5. That's 'cause when you become a TFFer you can never go back. Never. Neeeeverrrrrr.

    Anyhoo. I'm okay ^^;; A little tired. Looking forward to Crimbo =D. lol.
  6. Lol. I'm good. Looks like I'm back on TFF again ^^;; Dont know why. Ah well.

  7. Hiiiii =D. You're online, too =O haha. How're yoops?
  8. =O Your online. Hi ^^
  9. La la la... dee dee dee...

    La la la... dee dee deeeeeeeeee...


    Don't ask. I'm just bored. So I'm dropping you a VM. Because I can, okay?! >=]

  10. I can still go on msn, lol. I was on there yesterday XD

    But I just barely ever do. BECAUSE MY CONTACT LIST IS INFESTED WITH NOOBS AND EMOS >=[ lol. There are the only a few I actually talk to on there, and I usually miss the whenever they're on. =/

    But anyhoo. I HAD a virus firewally...stopper...thingy. Protector would've been a better word XD but the my laptop broke not so long ago, and to fix it, everything had to be erased, so I think it's gone too.

    I miss those convos too =) I'll try and get on more.
  11. Don't you have an anti-virus system on your computer? If not, how are you surviving on the net O_O

    Erm....if you haven't, download AVG or something. If you have, use it!!! I want you back on msn with Darkwolf so me, you, him and Xeim can have one of our famous 4-way convo's.

    *Misses old memories*

    I'm rambling again >.<
  12. *pokes back*. *and again =) for fun =)*. lol.

    Erm...I think I might have actually...people keep leaving me offline messages saying 'huh???' or 'what???' or just '???' lol. And I had no idea why, but then yesterday and today, I got alerts saying I have a trojan. And I have no idea how to get rid of it. Ah well ^_^

    Hi x] lol.
  13. *poke*

    Thought I'd say 'Hi' since you don't go on msn. Speaking of which it just sent me a link to something >.< Do you have a virus or something. Anyway not talked to you in what feels like ages!!


    Itachi ^^
  14. Yo.

    And no, my msn's fine. I just don't go on it much anymore >.<
  15. *poke*

    Has your msn died? We haven't talked in a while ^^;;; Me and Xeim are curious to where you are now xD
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