Conversation Between nix and GypsyElder

71 Visitor Messages

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  1. Yes, excuse me. YOUR undies

    You can help me choose which ones to wear in the mornings! ZomgbvxdhavdgGDYU
  2. Haha, I didn't even know it was black on black till you said something. Now I feel like a jackass for straining everyone's eyes.Truth
  3. Glad to see you fixed, does that make you racist too ?
  4. I laughed like this: "Bwahahahaha" when I saw it.

    and WELL, EXCUSE MY MESSAGE BOX. You racist.

  5. hehe, did you laugh? i was chuckling to myself posting it, your message box is annoying to type in, its black text with black background, sorry for any spelling errors i cant see shit, its like typing in the dark....
  6. I would, If I was a Kung foo master ahaha.

    Which would you prefer, CQC or Ju Jitsu?
  7. You dont want to get close quarters with zombies o_O
  8. True, but what about CQC?
  9. AWWW.. lame what kind of black magic (!!!) We should create a rebellion!! a duel! lol, maybe just the liberty of getting to smack worthless posters with gloves???
  10. Been there, done that, didnt get a tshirt for my troubles
  11. Maybe you should qualify for that one
Showing Visitor Messages 61 to 71 of 71
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