Conversation Between rJ floW and OceanEyes28

7 Visitor Messages

  1. Oh, we friends now?
  2. You're so coy on the forum, but I'm gonna tell EVERYONE how much you love me.
  3. Get off my TFF, trouble maker.

  4. Haha. People spend a lot of time pretending not to care, only fantasizing of being where you are.

    Normally, you'd be right. But for the summer, I am home in the Central time zone. It's still 3:28, though. I guess I'm up late because part of me likes being completely useless in the mornings.
  5. hahah even often belligerent and 8 years later, I still care
    btw, i thought you were on the eastcoast, what are you doin up so late! lol
  6. I know, right? Been forever, i got real real bored
  7. Whoa.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7